Sunday, September 27, 2009


so today was a day of wondering about who else but that fiery woman thudra. like anyother person i wonder who she, i mean come on i'm only human. and so i was talking to a friend of mine lets call her "kael". and for a while now she has told me that she has alreadly id' thundra, but she would not tell me(figures). so time goes on my feelings change about people. and today she tells me that she has had this conversation of who thundra is with others and people have questioned her choose which drives me insane. so to be honest it makes me feel like who ever i choose is not up to par' because i consider kael like my older sister and i respect her thoughts and opion. i mean the best way the describe my overall feels is like this: i am walking through the meadowy field of life. not of what i will find or walk into. and in this ocean of lush green grass i see many flowers. each one different and beautiful. so i walk off into the meadow to admire the flowers. with question in mind is this the one. i see the different colors, their petals, and their sweet sweet sent. but my fear of crushing them. i for what ever reason mentally see thorns surronding them whether or not that flower would be the one picked out for me or just a tempory season thing it still frustates me to no end. only to get back on the cold lonely path with the hope to that beautiful flower for me to find.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


remember when you were a kid and you wanted SUPER POWERWS. dont kid yourself everyone at one point or another wanted some. SUPER STRENGTH so you can compete with chuck norris in a baby elephant throwing contest, SUPER SPEED so you can run on water to race JESUS(GC WOOOOOOW), SUPER CRAZY MIND POWERS to move things like a dolphin so you can see it swim through mid air, SUPER FLIGHT to see the... world i guess... SUPER FIRE POWER to make HUGE FIRE BALLS (YAAAAAAH!!!), SUPER EXPLOSIVE POWER to BLOW STUFF UP when ever or what ever(Gambit; X-MEN, studd). For me it would have to be SUPER WUSHU(KUNG FU) POWERS, AH BOOOOOOOOOYAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN YOU HONESTLY THAT SUPER POWERS CAN BEAT SUPER PRO SKILL? I DIDN'T THINK SO. BUT, the ULTIMATE SUPER POWER EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, is (drum role please) THE HOLY GHOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENOUGH SAID.


Monday, July 7, 2008


If your a wondering what this Thundra thing is all about, it is simple, she is my future wife yet to be manifested. She is at the tallest 6 ft even, she shoots fire from her face with maxium INTESITY, she does not i repeat does not use doors, she like Chuck Norris burst through walls, she also grunts/ growls like a gorilla, man, wookie thing, and the best part is...SHE IS ALL FOR ME SHUKKA, AH BOOYA!!!


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

First fruits are holy

yoyoyo, this is my very first blog ever. so YAAAHH, YAAAAHHH, YAAAAHHHH!!!( in the key of C).

now your wondering where's the talk of dragons, weeeeell. there isn't any, beacause i kill them for a living, i have their heads mounted on my walls, i use their skin for my suits and my lazy-boy, and i meat the rest. there are you happy.

stay tuned for my next blog, i'll give you a hint THUNDRAAA!!!