Tuesday, May 20, 2008

First fruits are holy

yoyoyo, this is my very first blog ever. so YAAAHH, YAAAAHHH, YAAAAHHHH!!!( in the key of C).

now your wondering where's the talk of dragons, weeeeell. there isn't any, beacause i kill them for a living, i have their heads mounted on my walls, i use their skin for my suits and my lazy-boy, and i meat the rest. there are you happy.

stay tuned for my next blog, i'll give you a hint THUNDRAAA!!!

1 comment:

Jael said...

Yey! I'm the first to comment on your blog! Click on my name, and on the right you'll see l=inks where you can check out everyone elses blogs! You're an awesome man of God! And the raddest draggon slayer ever!